Mercanti Fiorentini

Furr's Family Dining

Furr's Family Dining


With a 14 percent lift for the launch of their fresh overhaul, we made our Furr's client smile.


After a fresh-food quality overhaul, the 108-unit cafeteria chain was looking to reassert its presence in markets like Dallas, Albuquerque and Oklahoma City as well as maintain in 20 other markets.


We developed a a “Fresh new faces at Furr’s” campaign consisting of a series of TV radio, print ads, in-store communication and POS—plus an  in-store kid’s promotion.

Television and radio ads were created to break through the clutter and feature seasonal specials such as a Catfish Feast or a $5.99 Major Meal Deal.


“These guys have jumped through hoops … while making the cash register ring,” said Furr’s president and director of marketing Danny Meisenheimer. The launch boosted same-store sales by more than 14 percent over the previous year. The chain outpaced category growth averages for two consecutive years. Sweet!